Author: shane

  • Here’s Liam (right) Teaching Nic (left) how to backflip in the gym.

  • First time in the gymnastics gym

    This saturday was great, the weather on the other hand was terrible, but there was a solution. The steel city gym, there are alot of cool things in this gym, to start off the floor is sprung and there are bloody hundreds of mats, and there are vault boxes and other assorted bits and bobs.

  • Man the fuck up

    As I sit here, in Dinnington Interchange, waiting for, not a late bus, but the next bus, as the last one didn’t arrive. I can’t help but think, as I stare out at the rain, “people need to man the fuck up”. Already on person isn’t coming out because the “ground will be wet”. Unacceptable.

  • The Weather isn’t looking on top Form for this Saturday but I’ll be out, come rain or shine.

  • After watching this video i have decided to slowly work on each stage until i have them down. i can do all the steps up to and including the elbow cartwheel, so the next stage is an aerial…wish me luck. (Source:

  • Last saturday.

    unfortunately i managed to aggravate a groin strain that i did at thai boxing a couple of weeks ago. this meant i had trouble with a lot of the things we were doing that day. I did however wake up knackered again which is a very good sign. It seems to be getting warmer, and

  • Handstand down stairs, thanks to shane for the photo and the edit.

  • Abs shoulders knees and toes.

    luckily my head doesn’t hurt. my challenge for today is to remain as stationary as possible, tumble some stuff jam on the xbox with my mate and hope my mom doesnt ask me to do loads of stuff. Moving back into my moms has made my life harder! Oh well i feel amazing just quite

  • Aching like a Bitch

    Yesterday was fantastic. I haven’t ached like this since I very first started training, all those years ago. I got to town at 10am but nobody was there yet so, after realising I hadn’t brought a jumper and it was bloody cold, I went and bought this awesome find from Primark for just £12. After

  • Knackered,

    Went out for todays training session, am absolutely knackered now. My legs are literally too tired to do owt, think its because i decided to lunge round town  between a couple of spots, i looked like a complete idiot but it was funny going through TKmax.